Weekend Getaway: Visiting Winterthur
Looking for a weekend trip idea? Why not combine a weekend getaway with a little interior design education? Winterthur is a beautiful 19th century home of the du Pont family located in the picturesque Brandywine Valley region of Pennsylvania and Delaware. What’s even more special about Winterthur is that it houses the largest collection of American period furniture and decorative arts and it is open to the public.
Winterthur houses several galleries full of decorative objects such as ceramics, glass, textiles, furniture and paintings. The above photo shows exceptional examples of period furniture – including a Sheraton-style secretary, a Federal high chest of drawers, and a pie-crust tea table with a tilt top.
Besides decorative objects, the mansion boasts of 175 rooms and several of them are decorated in authentic period furniture. The Port Royal Parlor below is just one example. The parlor is full of Chippendale-style chairs, tea table, and high chest.
Besides beautiful interiors, Winterthur sits on a 60 acre estate filled with floral gardens, walkways, woods, and picnic spots. Don’t forget to include Winterthur in your weekend getaway plans!
Interested in learning more about the history of furniture periods? Take a look at Sheffield School's Complete Course in Interior Design. At Sheffield, you will learn how to transform a space, create color schemes, and select furniture, lighting, and accessories.