Pink, ivory, and green form this perfect pale bouquet
Not every wedding has a big budget for massive flower displays. If you're studying
Wedding & Event Planning with Sheffield School, then you know that a huge flower budget isn't vital to creating an overall memorable event.
A rustic countryside wedding fits this simple pink peony bouquet to perfection
Flowers, like any other element of the decor, need to be appropriate to the venue, add beauty to the event, carry out and continue the overall
color scheme and theme of the event, and relate personally to the happy couple.
Deep pink and fuschia are great color bursts for this bouquet
The most intimate of the flower arrangements is the bridal bouquet, and we'd love to see the New Year filled with weddings where bridal bouquets are all a beautiful reflection of the happy day. Click on each photograph to learn more about the weddings behind each of these fantastic bridal bouquets.
Which one is your favorite?
Striking combinations in this bouquet of mauve and feathers
This do-it-yourself bridal bouquet is a dynamic combination of wildflowers
Thanks to 100 Layer Cake for their beautiful photographs, posts, and wedding and event inspiration. 100 Layer Cake is a unique, comprehensive wedding and event planning resource for and by thoughtful, crafty modern women. Their vendors, projects, weddings, resources, sponsors, and marketplace are hand-picked and thoroughly researched with the hope that every single one is a truly unique addition to both your wedding and your planning process. Visit the 100 Layer Cake website today.
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