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Designer Monthly Preview

The woman who helped usher the interior design industry into full flower in the United States was prolific in putting out ideas that will help freshen up today's interior design business. Look at our latest Designer Monthly, Interior Design: Look Forward by Looking Back to Dorothy Draper.

Did you ever have a problem designing small spaces?  Take a look at how top interior designers solved this common problem in our latest Designer Monthly, How to Design Small Spaces at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House.





Entries in resume (1)


Internships: The Power in Asking 

With Summer being throughly underway and the lure of sun and sand ever looming thinking about an internship is probably the last thing that would cross one's mind.  This is precisely the reason why it's the perfect time to start looking for one!  Most companies that have hired Summer interns expect a number of those employees to leave as Summer draws to a close, making July and August the perfect time for pursuit.

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