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Designer Monthly Preview

The woman who helped usher the interior design industry into full flower in the United States was prolific in putting out ideas that will help freshen up today's interior design business. Look at our latest Designer Monthly, Interior Design: Look Forward by Looking Back to Dorothy Draper.

Did you ever have a problem designing small spaces?  Take a look at how top interior designers solved this common problem in our latest Designer Monthly, How to Design Small Spaces at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House.





Entries in jewelry contest (1)


Fall and Winter trend Jewelry Entry Contest 

Sheffield students often ask me where they should purchase jewelry making supplies. The first question I ask is what exactly are you looking for? I use several different sources for various reasons. The information I pass on to students is from my personal experiences over the past decade of purchasing my own materials for jewelry making. 

Rio Grande has been one of my sources for a long time. Yesterday I received an email for a contest entry from Rio Grande, teaming up with Pinterest, to submit a Fall / Winter collection. This is an ideal contest for Sheffield students to enter.  I encourage Sheffield students to enter not only for the prize but for the experience - particularly for those who are working on photographing the collection they are creating in units 5 & 6. This contest is also great for our graduates who have completed photographing their collection.

All that is needed to enter is to submit to Rio Grande ( a link to your images on a Pinterest board that you created with your collection, along with descriptions of your pieces. Not only will you be entered to win a Rio Grande credit towards materials - and what jewelry designer does not want more materials! - but it is a great experience to launch a collection. You will receive exposure for your work leading traffic to your online store, and you will see what it is you are doing correctly and where you need to improve. This is a natural growth process and builds confidence.

I will be posting other contest entries from other vendors that I like as I see them, but this one is unusual because it calls for a submission of an entire collection. Generally contests call for an entry with only one piece.

Enter by August 15th. Good Luck !! 


Are you interested in taking a great jewelry design course and learning more about how to make your own jewelry or get started professionally in this creative field? Sheffield School began as an Interior Design school in 1985, and then expanded our course offerings to train people in other design-related fields, including Feng ShuiWedding and Event Planning, and Jewelry Design. With thousands of active students and more than 50,000 graduates, Sheffield has trained more design professionals than any school in the world.

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