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Designer Monthly Preview

The woman who helped usher the interior design industry into full flower in the United States was prolific in putting out ideas that will help freshen up today's interior design business. Look at our latest Designer Monthly, Interior Design: Look Forward by Looking Back to Dorothy Draper.

Did you ever have a problem designing small spaces?  Take a look at how top interior designers solved this common problem in our latest Designer Monthly, How to Design Small Spaces at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House.





Entries in free articles (1)


New Home, Same Great Content

As you know, here at the New York Institute of Art and Design we're going through some exciting changes.

Just a few weeks ago we changed our name from the Sheffield School to the New York Institute of Art and Design. At the same time we added two new courses in Professional Blogging and Fiction and Memoir Writing. And when we did that, we launched a brand new, fully-redesigned website at!

Well, we wanted to let you know about another change that we're making today...

While the content already here and the blog are not going anywhere, we will no longer be updating the blog with new posts. But before you get too upset, the reason for doing this is simply that we're moving all of our new content to the new website!

Part of the reason we created the new site was so that we could feature more outstanding student work and success stories, and develop new and exciting articles that will inspire and teach people interested in the fields that we teach.

Starting next week, all new content will be posted to this page. You can make sure never to miss it by signing up for our Free Monthly Newsletter, or subscribing to the new RSS feed.

Just to reiterate, this blog is going to stay put. But this will be the last post.

Thanks for your interest in the New York Institute of Art and Design! And we hope you continue to enjoy all the free content that we produce.