Feng Shui Homework: Grudges, Begone!

Someone may have done something to you, and then your immediate internal response was, “Oh yeah! I can’t believe he/she did this to me. I’ll show them. I won’t ever talk to them again. I will ignore them!” And that mental chatter would continue as we walk around all day long. It gets even better if there is an item in your space that is connected to that person. So, every time you look at that item, there goes that mental chatter again. I'm sure we all have experienced this at least once in our life, and probably much more often, but we probably won’t admit it.
We may not realize how much holding onto this negative energy, and letting it fester, affects our physical being. To mention just a few end results, continuing to harbor negative thoughts can cause you sleepless, will get you irrigated quite quickly, and will give you cause to lose your patience. Then it can lead to headaches and other pains within the body, and even the occasional twitching. Our days become more tiring, less energetic, and less productive. And I can continue, but I think you get the idea. In essence, the “I’ll show them” syndrome becomes the “Look what I'm doing to myself” illness. Yes, grudges can be very expensive as they take their toll on our lives.
Now, I'm not saying that if someone does something unjust or unfair to you that you should just accept it. But you need to decide how much and for how long after the fact will you allow this person’s actions to continue doing the unjust or unfair thing to you. How many times will you let that awful argument replay itself? How many times will you repeatedly play out getting fired? And on and on.
Feng Shui Homework
For March you may want to think about if there are any grudges for which you're footing the bill. These tips may help:
- Take a walk around your space and look at the items around you. Do you resonate with any of them negatively, and does it remind you of someone?
- Based on feng shui prinicples, our hallways represent communication. Check them out to see if they are cluttered or blocked. Cleaning up and making way can help you communicate better with others and with yourself, hence helping clean up any miscommunications you may be dealing with in your life.
- On the flip-side, are your hallways too bare and seem unloved? Is there a place to hang a beautiful picture or affirmation statement? Not tending to our hallways could be a metaphor for us not addressing communication in our lives.
Remember, holding a grudge will only hurt you more, and most of the time the person you have the grudge with doesn't even know it.
Franca is one of the Feng Shui Instructors at Sheffield School, where she is also a Student Advisor; visit her website for more information. If you're interested in learning more about feng shui and interior design, then we encourage you to explore the Sheffield School, New York, NY. Sheffield began as an Interior Design school in 1985, and then expanded our course offerings to train people in other design-related fields, including Feng Shui, Wedding and Event Planning, and Jewelry Design. With thousands of active students and more than 50,000 graduates, Sheffield has trained more design professionals than any school in the world.
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