Wrap It Up! Etsy for Everything Holiday
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The holiday season can turn the most organized of persons scattered searching for all the items on holiday lists. And, gifts are just part of the picture. Shopping online is getting easier and easier as well as more and more pleasant. Being a creative person I always seek to find ways to support fellow creatives whenever possible. In this regard, Etsy can be your absolute best friend with an overwhelming number of options for pretty much any type of item. I've added some that I thought were standouts below.
I went on a hunt for thank you cards and was blown away by how professional and varied my options were. And affordable, to boot! Next thing I knew I was looking for holiday cards. Then it became very hard to stop looking!
My next hunt was for wrapping paper, something I really wouldn't have expected to find on Etsy. Six dollars gets you 2 sheets of 22" x 30" Letter Press wrapping paper by Viva Greetings with a satisfyingly unique and retro holiday look.
Another gorgeous paper, by Bombina Studios is covered with white snow-flake like stars on one of my favs, the humble background of unbleached and recycled paper. Another, by LEFT right had an elegant and minimal geometric print paper. Both reminded me of a more grown up version of my childhood experiments with potato stamps and butcher paper. (Maybe I should take my hand to the potato and give it an adult try...hmmm)
As a jewelry design instructor at the Sheffield School in New York, I consistently have an eye for the hald made.
Are you interested in making some of your own smashing jewelry? If so, I encourage you to take the matter of making into your own hands! Check out the newly launched Jewelry Design Course offered at the Sheffield School. With thousands of active students and more than 50,000 graduates, Sheffield has trained more design professionals than any other school in the world.
- Request a free Sheffield School catalog describing our distance education courses.
- Subscribe to the Sheffield Designer newsletter.
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Reader Comments (20)
the points were sent across is very understandable. I loved it.