fountain of life
On a recent trip to California, I became obsessed with fountains. And that funny thing happened, where you see (or hear of) something, and then you see (or hear of) it everywhere you turn, like when you're thinking about getting a little dog you can carry around in your purse and suddenly the world is filled with chihuahuas and mini toy poodles.
Here's the fountain that started it all, which my brother himself installed in his garden in front of his house. First, as you approach the doorway:
And then, a close-up:
Lovely, huh?
It's remarkable what a difference this makes, as you're coming up the path; it makes you breathe a sigh of relief to be home at last---even if it isn't really your home but is your big brother's home.
Summertime, and it's time to think of ways to cool off, and a fountain is a wonderful way to bring down the temp. A fountain also hushes annoying noises (traffic, a cell phone yeller) and attracts pretty birds, which may not bring the temperature down but will certain lift your spirits.
Reader Comments (10)
Love the fountain! I would like to hear more about this subject. I am thinking of adding a fountain in my apartment. But where does the water go? and will it increase my water usage? Will I have a problem with pigeons flying into my window or god forbid into my apartment?
Great stuff. Nice to read some well written posts. A long way between them.
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