Great Timewaster. I mean, Great Decorating Site
Warning: this site I've found is guaranteed to easily kill several hours in one sitting at the computer. That's the bad news. The good news is it's not only really fun, it also will help you hone your decorating skills.
It's called . The idea is this: you can join the site (it's free) and then post a photo of a problem area you have. (No, not your cellulite in the pre-suit season; that's another site). Let's say you've got a living room that you can't seem to whip into shape. Post a photo, and readers will chime in with their ideas of how to improve the look.
Of course, you take the chance that you won't like what they say, or that someone will suggest you just move to a new house, or that someone will say the only hope is by investing $10,000 in new stuff. But pretty much it seems that readers are understanding and kind. And so you get some great free design advice, which you can take or leave.
The Stylehound herself has tried it. If you want to take a look (and yeah, offer all the advice you'd like) go to:
Decor Next Door is also fun on the other side---you can weigh in all on sorts of design problems, and see how other people weighed in. Comments from designers registered with the site are highlighted in purple, so you can know which comments are from trained professionals and which from, well, you know, regular shmeggies like us.
Try it out and let us know what you think.
Reader Comments (2)