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Designer Monthly Preview

The woman who helped usher the interior design industry into full flower in the United States was prolific in putting out ideas that will help freshen up today's interior design business. Look at our latest Designer Monthly, Interior Design: Look Forward by Looking Back to Dorothy Draper.

Did you ever have a problem designing small spaces?  Take a look at how top interior designers solved this common problem in our latest Designer Monthly, How to Design Small Spaces at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House.





Vote for Style

Since this election drew record numbers of voters and volunteers from both sides it's safe to say to everyone, "congratulations" on simply surviving all of it. The debates, the news programs, Joe the Plumber and Joe the Biden, Palin's wardrobe, Biden's gaffes. We're done, at last.

Now comes the fun part. Nevermind whether President-elect will repeal Bush's decisions on foreign policy and the economy, the big question for design afficionados is whether the Obamas will make changes in the White House decor.

While leafing through the voluminous articles and photos immediately after election day, one in particular caught my eye, of Senator Obama and his youngest child in their Chicago kitchen. Hhhmmm, I thought---I recognized that kitchen.

I wish I could publish the photo here. The Obama kitchen was obviously a pricey, but not over-the-top, recent re-do, with dark granite countertops and dark wooden cabinets. There was an island with sink in the center of the kitchen, indicating the guidance of a practical-minded designer.

While we wait to see how President-elect Obama will pump the brakes on our skid into an economic pile-up, we can seek entertaining relief from watching how the senator and his wife, Michelle, make design changes throughout the White House.

There are, afterall, 132 rooms to work with, including a bowling alley, thirty-five bathrooms, and three kitchens. Here's one of the most well-known rooms, the Blue Room.

400-blue_2 photo from

Nice, huh? But what if you aren't crazy about the round rug, or what if you would prefer a different chandelier? We're going to find out for you what's up with re-decorating the White House for the new First Family.

It's kind of a designer's dream come true.

Reader Comments (1)

Great Post! I liked the <a href="">Granite Countertops</a>
March 3, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMehmet

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