Mapping The Electric
The electrician showed up. He was a nice guy.
He’s worked in my building, in other apartments, so he knew what was what, and he was reassuringly calm about the whole thing, telling me not to worry, except about that mess by the phones, which he was careful not to step too near, treating it kind of the way you would a dead skunk in the front hall.
He was reassuring, except he kept using the frightening phrase, “that’s really gonna costya.” Of course. Now he wants me to make a list of the outlets I would like and which ones I would like to disappear (ie those boxes and the mysterious Electricity to Nowhere cords, so I did.
Get rid of one box outlet
Add 4-outlet where there is a 2 near kitchen door
Get rid of 6-outlet thing attached to wall by microwave
Move outlets to behind stove and fridge
Make the two 2-outlets into 4-outlets, and lower down on wall
Get rid of box outlet
Make 2 into a 4
Get rid of box under A/C
Make 2 into a 4
Make two 2-outlets into 4s, and add one near the wall facing the garden
Get rid of boxes
Two 2 s to be made into 4s
Once I made my list, it didn’t seem like so much.
Reader Comments (3)
How funny.....hahaha