Everything Happens At Once

As the physicist John Archibald Wheeler said, “Time is nature’s way of keeping everything from happening at once,” and yet, when it comes to décor and design, it seems everything does happen at once, and now that I’ve decided to go ahead and get started on fixing the electric mess in my apartment, Seddy’s sister has returned from the netherworld and contacted me.
She sent me some links for some fans, none of which, I’m sorry to say, really thrilled me. Here they are, in case you’re interested.
Minka Aire Artemis Fan
Minka Aire Retro 1950’s Fan
Woolen Mill Fan Company: Architectural Fans
Quorum Fan Angel
But at least I know now she’s extant, and I have hope again that maybe, one day, my apartment will look not so bad.
And, in the meantime, I’ve contacted my friend who wants my old sofa. You can see why I’m ready to let it go.
(Sorry, that last photo features the old cat making good use of the old sofa)
Everything is always more complicated than you think it’ll be---especially when it comes to design. You know, you start out thinking, great, I’ll just paint the walls, and you end up having to re-wire the house first.
Or, you decide to get rid of the sofa and then your friend, who lives on your street, has to hire a couple of bulls to carry it to his place. And then you remember how the movers had to take the door off the hinges to get it in here, and you have no idea how to do that, and you have to call the super to see if he can show up on the same day as the guys your friend will hire, god willing.
And it’s all going to end up costing you---that much is sure.
But I called the electrician this morning, and said, Okay, I’m in, and I’m putting a check for half the total in the mail today. The receptionist said she thinks they can start work this week
Reader Comments (3)
How is it possible?if everything happens at once,there will be no time in sense. Is it a serious blog post or a funny one?n expecting the further explanation.