Question of the Week: Do You Run Your Own Business?
Welcome to this week’s installment of the Sheffield Says Question of the Week. Each week we’ll ask readers a question pertinent to being creative, earning a living, do-it-yourself projects, and much, much more. We’re excited to hear what you have to say!
Last week’s question was, what Sheffield School field of study are you most interested in?
This week, we want to know whether or not you run your own business. There are many people who are interested in Interior Design, Jewelry Design, and Wedding Planning for personal reasons and hobbies, but we know there are also many of you out there with a goal of starting a business in one of these fields. And we want to know, who is already there.
Share your answer below, and don’t be afraid to use the comments to tell us why you’re interested in that field!
Catch you next week. Same time, same place.